out in the school yard, fall 3006

Laurel Grove Elementary School: Fall 3006 Semester
last update/next update

Principal/Superintendent: Illiana Greer. Teachers: Quinn Faulkner, Devon Summerfield
Students: Austin Faulkner, Chase Faulkner, Eva Fontaine, Jordan Tracy, Courtney Underwood (all 5), Adriana Tracy, Lauren Faithbucks, Sabrina Juarez, Kara Leane (all 7); Giovanni Juarez, Nate Fontaine, Becca Carr, Alicia Faithbucks (all 9); Nichole Faithbucks, Santiago Juarez, Chaz Weber (all 11)

Fall 3006 Continue reading

Author’s Note: 7/22/2016

Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates. RL has been busy and I am still having difficulties with the hood. I am still crashing whenever I attempt to place new lots. The hood is six years old and I think it’s time is near.

Any free time with playing has been taken up with rebuilding the hood, before the original blows up and I lose everything. Since I’m building from scratch, it will be a while until the next updates.

I will continue to lurk around the community, as right now that’s all I can do at the moment. I haven’t even been able to boot up the game in six weeks. I hope every one is well and don’t you… forget about me… LOL

SPAT, Revisited

As I am playing the Tracy family for their upcoming update, I realized that Marianne Richward is 16. Sixteen?! I can’t believe she’s that old, a junior in high school and almost to university. Since she is my oldest playable teen, she is officially the first playable to attend a RMA (Rockport Metropolitan area) school. All current students are PNPCs and an out-of-area student from Apple Valley.

As I was reviewing her stats to make sure that she would have the necessary requirements for entry, I realized that my current guidelines were incredibly basic. I don’t have a scale to measure to, especially since Meade College is an Academie Society school (my equivalent to the U.S.’s Ivy League) and would have stronger requirements than the University of Rockport (URock). So I have decided to rework how the college entrance score, the Scholastic Performance Assessment Test, or the SPAT, much like Starr did for Apple Valley.

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