Britney Underwood

Name: Britney Underwood (nee Richward)
Born: 2970
Personality: 6-3-6-4-6
Siblings: n/a
Romantic history: n/a
Education: BS in Biology, University of Rockport
Occupation: Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Rockport University Hospital Center
Previous employment: n/a
Businesses owned: n/a
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Chief of Staff
Hobby: Film
Interests: Money, Health
Previous portraits:

Jeffrey Underwood

Name: Jeffrey Underwood
Born: 2967
Personality: 5-3-7-3-7
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Romantic history: n/a
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation: Police Chief
Previous employment: n/a
Businesses owned: Laurel Police Station
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Graduate 3 children from college
Hobby: Fitness
Interests: Sports
Previous portraits: